Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tour of Utah - Day 3 Report

Tour of Utah ( www.tourofutah ) Stage 3

This will be a short report as this was a short race (60 minute evening criterium in downtown Salt Lake City) which had no impact on the overall standings. All remaining RIDECLEAN riders made it through to contest today's brutally mountainous race. The race was very well attended and the thunderous cheering was well received. The main impact day 3 had on RIDECLEAN was the abandonment of Ryan Trebon who exited the race after waking up with a sore throat. Not wanting to compromise his mountain bike race next week he rolled out of Park City early in the day. It is a real bummer for the team as Ryan's climbing ability would have been a real asset to Keil Reijnen's bid for the Best Young Rider competition in which he sits tied for 2nd place 1:19 behind Garmin Chipotle's Peter Stetina. Thanks for reading and thanks for your continued support! Stay tuned for today's stage 4 report...

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