Hello Faithful FLUID friends, family, and athletes!
We have decided to start posting a workout of the week every thursday! These workouts are excellent for all athletes, and are called Metabolic Condtioning (METCon) workouts. They are short, intense, and very good for overall strength and endurance!
These workouts were made famous by the movie 300, and are also similar to Crossfit workouts. You will see workouts like these in martial arts and boxing gyms across the country as well. Our health specialists here at FLUID have designed these to help you kick your body up a notch baby!
Above all else, these are a lot of fun. Each week we would like to see your comments on the workouts, and we want you to report your times and rounds below. You'll know what we mean after you start doing them!
Here at FLUID, we are interested in your health and longevity as an athlete, these workouts will help you, and don't forget to knock back some ice cold Fluid after each session to get the most out of the workout!!
Here is the very first workout! Enjoy!
Workout of the Week: "Airport"
This workout will surely get your butt off the ground.
40 Anterior box jumps (24 inch box or more)
40 Jumping Pullups
Run 400 meters
80 Lateral box jumps (40 each side, 8 inch box or higher)
40 Ring Rows (Supine bar rows can be substituted)
Run 400 meters
40 Thrusters (20lb dumbbell)
40 Burpees (3 inches of air minimum, no baby burpees!)
Post your best times on our site for the workout…. lets see some sweat people!!
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