19 year old Triathlete Griffin Weiler of BoalsBurg, PA placed second at the Fat Rabbit International Triathlon today in Ohio. With reaching this goal, Griffin had the fastest bike split of the day at 57 mins on a 40k course. We are proud to call Griffin one of our own here at team Fluid. Great Job Griffin and keep up the hard work, Fluid will be with you every step of the way!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Fluid Athlete Griffin Weiler
19 year old Triathlete Griffin Weiler of BoalsBurg, PA placed second at the Fat Rabbit International Triathlon today in Ohio. With reaching this goal, Griffin had the fastest bike split of the day at 57 mins on a 40k course. We are proud to call Griffin one of our own here at team Fluid. Great Job Griffin and keep up the hard work, Fluid will be with you every step of the way!
The Easy Way, or The Right Way?

With the Tour De France readily approaching, I am sure the question on many minds is... How many riders will be busted for doping this year? With the Rasmussen and friends fiasco last year we can only assume that things have changed; or have they? With the emergence of the EPO performance enhancing drug, which we have learned that it cannot be detected by testing, the chances are that most racers will choose to participate in taking this banned substance. It is almost heart breaking to think that the one time great athletes of the world might be just your run of the mill cheaters. When did doping become okay? Is it simply that it is now readily available and the athletes need the edge on the competition because everyone is taking it? If so this is a vicious circle that needs to be squashed. The tour of old where grit and determination won the crown may have passed, but that does not mean that it cannot return. New forms of enhancing performance need to be implemented into the cycling world. There are plenty of natural ways to get a riders body back for the next stage. If the riders pounded down some legal recovery products we would not have to suspect cheating when a rider dominates a hill stage. We would be able to witness what is helping him and cheer him on like we all did with Lance. We are trying on our end of the spectrum to promote our product that we believe is that safe, healthy form of recovery that can be used. We need the revolution to begin, we all need to step up and stop talking about the problem and promote the answer. We believe we have the answer in Fluid. This is not an overnight task, this will be hard and grueling. But what fun is there without a struggle? Will you allow the easy way to be the only way, or will you join us to support the right way? Live healthy, Live long, Live Fluid.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Thank you!
Fluid on Twitter

Hey Everyone!
Fluid is now an active member in the Twitter Feed program. Head over to www.Twitter.com to create a profile. Once you have a profile, search for Livefluid and hit the "Follow Livefluid" Button. Once you are following us, you will have instant access to updates about everything that is happening in the Fluid World. We hope to see you on Twitter guys!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Friends of Fluid

Fluid is proud to work along side two fantastic southern California companies dedicated to the same healthy life message as we are at Fluid.
"Motor Tabs" a company out of Costa Mesa CA developed an effervescent electrolyte/energy tab that when placed into water creates a sports drink in an instant. This great product makes the hassle of carrying bottled sports drinks a thing of the past. You can learn more at their website www.Motortabs.com.
Bonk Break

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Product Reviews

Fluid would love to know what you think about the product. We would love to hear any stories of success or how it helps your day to day training. We are here to serve the athlete and want to know how well we have and how well we can in the future. Thanks everyone we cant wait to see what you send in.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Eat With Personality

Last night before dozing off I read a couple chapters in Anthony Bourdain's The Nasty Bits. In one of the stories Bourdain talks about the evils of the fast food industry. While speaking on this subject he makes a point that will forever stay with me. He said when you get that sinking feeling in your stomach when you are about to order fast food, just turn around and walk away. He said go get the same exact food, but from a local joint that is starving to stay afloat. This speaks a lot on the American Diet. Chances are that every single product is going to be fresher at the local joints. They have cooks in the back who work hard everyday to bring joy into your life. Not to mention they usually have families to feed and wont keep their jobs without customers coming in. Health is on the top of our lists in most cases and local eateries sometimes carry organic and natural foods. The bottom line is that our body will pay us back if we give it good, wholesome food. When you eat, be happy, do not feel guilty. It is our primal urge that drives us to food so enjoy every bite of it. You get one chance in this world and the best foods might be at a place you drive by every day. Remember, if the people cooking and serving the food have personality, imagine what the food has.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The Way the World Was

As I sit here sipping on my water bottle full of Fluid, browsing possible club sponsorship deals I realize that the changes in the sport world are getting worse. When did the athletic world decide that Soda type drinks are ok for pre-workout? When did HFCS replace natural sugars in our sports drinks? The original endurance athletes of the world survived their sport with three basic ingredients: Sugar, Protein, and of course Water. Obviously with the changes in the sport science community there was been huge advances, creating more diverse yet healthy additives for sports drinks. Flavoring is essential for the market place because lets face it, if it tastes bad, it wont sell. So to make a legitimate sports drink do you really need the overdose of corn syrup? Health is more important that energy and with the correct drink and correct diet you can obtain much higher levels of energy. And when your done with your workout, don't reach for a jug of milk that has more additives than you can imagine. Try Fluid, try something, anything new! Prolong your athletic career, prolong your life.
Fluid Events This Weekend!
The Green Trolley Criterium
Presented by: Team Five Star Waste Vegetable Oil
San Diego, CA
"Promoting Environmental Action and Awareness, and aportion of every race entry to benefit Teco's rider Fausto Esparza."
Sunday, June 29th 2008
San Diego International Triathlon
" One of the oldest and best triathlons in the country. A wonderful course, and fantastic party at the finish on the bay in San Diego. "
Chevron Manhattan Beach Grand Prix
" One of the best crits in the country. 1000 racers and 10,000 spectators make this an awesome event!

Sporteve 5K Run/Walk & Kiddie Run
Downtown Culver City
" A fun 5K for the whole family with proceeds from the event to benefit the Culver-Palms Family YMCA."
Avila Bay Club Aquathon
Presented by MultiSport
Avila Beach CA
Sprint Course: Swim 600 Yards and Run 5K
Intermediate: Swim 1000 Yards and Run 8K
"A perfect day for anyone in training or to just have a good time"
Cycling Nutz and Fluid

Fluid is proud to be a sponsor of Cyclingnutz.com. A great site dedicated to the cycling world, Cyclingnutz.com is a great resource for all things Cycling. With a list of all upcoming races and a news feed about the cycling world. So go check them out and become a member! Welcome cyclingnutz to the world of Fluid!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Love what you do..

What is sport? Is sport the competition, the field, the pure athleticism? Or is sport anything we choose to do that makes us feel good even when things look there worst? We compete and strive to be the best because it feels good, not because we have to. Sport on most levels is volunteer and we could walk away at any point. But we never do. We may spend weeks trying to get our 200m time down only to trip at the start. We might practice that perfect golf swing only to have someone yell in our back swing. But we don't quit. Because in sport there is always next time. Sport will never walk away from you. My friends that is what sport is; sport is the one thing in our lives that there is always a next time. You fail at work, you're fired. You fail a test, its final. But when you fail to strikeout the last batter of the game, guess what, there is always tomorrow in sport. When things are looking worse and you don't feel like you have got another season in you, you can hang em up. Sure, but someday when your kids kids are playing in the back yard you will feel that adrenaline, that kick of emotion that reminds you that you are and will forever be an athlete. Here is to you my friends, my brothers and sisters on the field of play. Live life, love life, Live Fluid.
Fluid Athlete of the week Cory Brown

Congrats Cory!
Cory finished second overall at the Lake Placid Half Marathon this past weekend in a smokin time of 1:18:39!! This was only 23 seconds off the winning time!!
Cory has been with Fluid since our beginnings on Sponsorhouse, and we are honored to be working with him. He is well on his way to becoming one of our platinum athletes and reaping the benefits of being not only a great athlete, but a wonderful person and image for FLUID!
Thank you Cory!!!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Fluid Makes its way into Pro Baseball

We at Fluid would like to welcome our newest Elite athlete, Boston Red Sox minor league pitcher Scott Lonergan. A six foot four pitcher out of Rice University Scott is a great role model for blossoming athletes in the baseball world. Before going down this season with a broken hand, Scott had pitched well for the High A level Lancaster Jethawks. We wish Scott well as he goes through the rehab process to get him back out on the field and making his way up the professional ladder. Welcome to Team Fluid Scott!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Amateur Endurance and Fluid

Fluid has announced that we are proud to be a part of Amateurendurance.com. This site is dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle among amateur athletes from around the country. Equipped with nutrition and training tips, everything an endurance athlete needs in on their site. Please go check them out and use this valuable service that they have to offer. Thanks everyone!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Lynn Smythe AKA the Bike Diva and Fluid

Newly sponsored Fluid athlete Lynn Smythe has generously written an article about Fluid on her Blog. Lynn is a valued member of the Fluid team and we could not be more happy to have her on board with us. Lynn says this about Fluid, "Fluid is an excellent recovery drink for anyone looking to speed muscle recovery and improve physical performance. Fluid helps to replenish tired muscles, reduce post workout soreness and help support a stressed immune system."
We love and appreciate the kind words Lynn! To read Lynn's entire article and catch up on other aspects of her mission, please visit her blog at bikediva.net.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Fluid Nutrition Tip of The Week

Ok, I’m sure you have heard somewhere that the American idea of a serving size is greatly messed up. That is an understatement. Luckily movies like “Super Size Me” and others are blowing the whistle on America’s diet. We indeed eat too much food. Not just too many carbs, or too much fat, but too much FOOD. Most American’s goals are too lose weight, which is associated with greater longevity and health. Others (such as elite athletes) want to gain lean body mass while removing excess body fat. Regardless of your goals, you should know your serving size. Even eating too much good food, is still eating too much. There are many secrets to success, but the obvious ones are simply put down the freakin’ fork. If you get a ton of food… eat half of it, and save the rest for lunch tomorrow. Another trick is to always leave food on your plate. I realize they’re are starving people in this world, but you can’t help them if you are obese and suffering from diabetes because you always insist on finishing your french fries and ice cream.
Check out the link below for valuable information on choosing serving sizes, and how to visualize them.
At FLUID we don’t believe in fad diets or dead end suggestions. We are serious about your health and your life. We will help you find problems in your diet, and help you eat what you love intelligently. There is a wrong way and right way to approach your diet. We know the right way, and are proud to help you.
Friday, June 13, 2008
NEW! Fluid Workouts of the Week
Hello Faithful FLUID friends, family, and athletes!
We have decided to start posting a workout of the week every thursday! These workouts are excellent for all athletes, and are called Metabolic Condtioning (METCon) workouts. They are short, intense, and very good for overall strength and endurance!
These workouts were made famous by the movie 300, and are also similar to Crossfit workouts. You will see workouts like these in martial arts and boxing gyms across the country as well. Our health specialists here at FLUID have designed these to help you kick your body up a notch baby!
Above all else, these are a lot of fun. Each week we would like to see your comments on the workouts, and we want you to report your times and rounds below. You'll know what we mean after you start doing them!
Here at FLUID, we are interested in your health and longevity as an athlete, these workouts will help you, and don't forget to knock back some ice cold Fluid after each session to get the most out of the workout!!
Here is the very first workout! Enjoy!
Workout of the Week: "Airport"
This workout will surely get your butt off the ground.
40 Anterior box jumps (24 inch box or more)
40 Jumping Pullups
Run 400 meters
80 Lateral box jumps (40 each side, 8 inch box or higher)
40 Ring Rows (Supine bar rows can be substituted)
Run 400 meters
40 Thrusters (20lb dumbbell)
40 Burpees (3 inches of air minimum, no baby burpees!)
Post your best times on our site for the workout…. lets see some sweat people!!
Marcel and Fluid

Recently sponsored athlete Marcel Aguirre has started using Fluid and sends us tidings from his personal Blog. It is amazing to know that Fluid works for our endurance athletes and we love to see personal testimonials about the results. Marcel said this about the day after his long bike ride. "I expected the normal soreness yesterday but there was none. Is not like I went straight for the couch to rest after the ride." These moments of realization that soreness no longer needs to be a factor is a great stride in overcoming the physical barriers set by pain. To read Marcel's entire story about Fluid please visit his blog at. http://mrsandpine.blogspot.com/
Keep it up Marcel and thank you for your kind words!
Tim Bond Matrat of the Month
P.S. Great shirt in the video Tim!
Fluid Athlete of the Week Bryan McDonnell

This past weekend Fluid athlete Bryan McDonnell placed third in his age group at Eagleman Ironman 70.3. While doing so Bryan was able to earn a spot in the Kona Ironman Championship! We could not be more proud and look forward to being an important part of the heavy training in the near future for Bryan. We all wish him the best of luck!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Everyone Needs To Recover
No matter what sport you find yourself competing in there is a constant trait that all sports possess. That characteristic is that everyone gets sore. Whether you just got back from a grueling bike ride, ran a 10k, spent the whole day on the race track or simply had a rough day at the gym; athletes will feel fatigue and pressure on their body. For hundreds of years this has been a obstacle that even the greatest of athletes have had to tackle. With science improving in the sports world there is a now a way to combat that pain and agony that we all face. Here at Fluid we have harnessed that science and made it possible for everyone, from all sport worlds, to feel rejuvinated and fresh the day after. From the smallest aches and pains of a quick swim to the unbearable pain that comes with a marathon, Fluid can help. Fluid should not just be a product that everyone drinks because of the taste, Fluid should be a tool in your bag that you have to get the edge on the competition. The science is here, the method is here, Fluid is here. The only question is; are you ready to get to the next level?
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Fluid Works For Chris, Why Not You?

Here is a recent testimonial from one of our dedicated athletes Chris DenHerder.
-I am in love with this recovery drink. I finally have a recovery drink that meets the demands of a Clydesdale Triathlete. At 6'4" 210 pounds the rigors of swimming, biking, and running can take a tole on my body, but with Fluid I am always ready to go for my next workout. I know this season will better than all the rest and I think my results will prove that Fluid makes a difference.
We want to thank Chris for his kind words about Fluid and we know that Chris will be able to work Harder, Longer, and Smarter this Season. Good Luck to You Chris!
New Flavor Contest Begins

Fluid has announced that they will put the future of their new product in the hands of their customers, friends and support groups. Fluid is now accepting ideas for not only the flavor of the new product but the name as well. Some great responses have already come in from the Fluid sponsored athlete world. So if you have a great idea for a flavor or name email Kurtis Brown at Kubrown@livefluid.com. We cant wait to see the results. And there is an added bonus! The winner will receive a free 16 serving canister of the original Tropical Escape from Fluid! Good Luck Everyone!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Nationally Acclaimed Fluid Athlete Tom Yule

Fluid has begun a sponsorship with internationally ranked Kayaking Athlete Tom Yule. Tom has a busy upcoming schedule as he will fly from New Zealand to Prague (Czech Republic) where he will train for two weeks then travel to Budapest (Hungary) to attend and compete in the Hungo Under 23 Champs, Then back to Prague for the Czech Republic National Sprint Championships the next weekend, then he flys to Ribadesella (Spain) to attend and compete in the Descenso del Sella a 20km river race. Then return home to New Zealand. We wish Tom the best of luck in his competitions! Welcome to Team Fluid Tom!
Another Nutrition Tip From Fluid

Protein shakes are not the devil, but sometimes the way they are marketed is. They would have you believe that drinking their shakes after a workout would somehow magically turn you into a lean, mean, muscle bound machine. It’s all about mass right? Wrong. Truth be told, the shakes do have a place in a healthy diet. Just not immediately after a workout. The key to proper muscle growth starts with proper recovery. Science has clearly shown that carbohydrates with a little protein following a workout is key. It also must take place within 30 minutes, or your window of opportunity slams shut faster then you can say “Male Enhancement!”
The fact remains that a protein rich meal approximately 90 minutes to 2 hours post training is essential. This is the first case where a protein shake can benefit the modern athlete. Depending on your weight, 25-50 grams of protein is ideal in this situation. Remember: More is not better. I would say that 1/2 grams of protein per kg of body weight is ideal. (Example: 220 lb male = 100 kg = 50 grams of protein)
The other ideal placement for protein shakes is before bedtime. This is a double edged sword for getting the most out of your recovery. First, eating a protein shake at bedtime theoretically increases the thermal affect of eating at night. This results in a more efficient metabolism. Second, bringing additional amino acids into your body before bed (sleep is where most anabolism takes place) is a fine idea. Last, most people enjoy sweets at night. A little chocolate milk with protein powder (around 200 kcals) is better then that Ice cream you have been inhaling while watching Sportscenter.
The bottom line: Don’t use protein shakes after a training session for at least 90 minutes. They are healthy, but only when consumed at the right time. If you want more details, just contact the sports nutrition experts at FLUID. We will always be ready to help you reach your goals.
Tim Bond Fluid Athlete

Fluid Martial Arts fighter Tim Bond will be competing in the Super Heavyweight Brown Belt Division of the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu World Championship. A fighter in training for over ten years, Tim is hoping to gain four wins in order to not only reach the level of black belt, but win the title of World Champion. This is the type of performance that Fluid is proud to be a part of. Good Luck Tim!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Fluid Athlete Justin Correa

Team Fluid Motocross racer Justin Correa took 1st overall in the Collegeboy class on May 25th in the AMP Swift Dodge Sacramento Spring Series. Justin has been using Fluid everyday and is a wonderful tribute to the success of team Fluid. We at Fluid could not be more proud of Justin and look for him to keep it up the rest of this season. Good Luck Justin!
Tri Fest Votes Fluid is The Best!
Fluid Athlete Jeff Bice Says..
"Hey, I know we all hate bulletins, that`s why I rarely send them. But I have got to tell you guys about FLUID. I train and ride a LOT, so getting a good recovery is of paramount importance. Normally, on leg day at the gym I`m crawling out of there barely able to walk, and usually very, very sore for a couple of days. Yesterday was my leg day, and let me tell you...even after finishing up with squatting 5 plates per side I downed the usual 2 scoops of FLUID and I`m FINE today! I`m not sore at all. I can tell I worked out but the usual agony is nowhere to be found. And against what I`d normally see as over training I even did a few sprints last night, and set a new personal record for leg speed. Yes, on the same day I did heavy squats.
FLUID rocks, folks. If you train for a sport I strongly urge you to look into FLUID. It works."
Jeff Bice, pro BMX racer
Fluid Olympic Athlete Jarrod Shoemaker
(BUSINESS WIRE) Jarrod Shoemaker is being honored by Wheaties, "The Breakfast of Champions," with a new, limited-edition package featuring the 25-year old triathlete from Sudbury, Mass. The Breakfast of Champions(R) continues its tradition of honoring elite athletes and celebrates Shoemaker's outstanding triathlon achievements, adding yet another honor to his impressive list of accomplishments.
Shoemaker is a fierce competitor and credits his amazing success in triathlon to a combination of raw talent and personal drive. He turned professional after competing in just four triathlons in 2003. Within two years Jarrod had won the Under 23 Nationals and World Championship. He qualified for the USA Triathlon's National Elite Team in 2006 and has racked up nine top 10 finishes in the past two years. In the fall of 2007 Shoemaker completed an even more amazing feat by becoming the first member of the USA Triathlon Men's Team competing in the games in Beijing this summer. Now his sights are set on the Hy-Vee ITU World Cup in Des Moines, Iowa this June - the largest prize purse in professional triathlon competition.
Shoemaker was a runner while attending Dartmouth College and credits his time on the track team for teaching him what it takes to be a top athlete. During his last two seasons of college, Jarrod added riding and swimming to his work-out regimen and when he graduated in 2004, he left his running career and began to focus on the triathlon. Excellence in all three triathlon events - swimming, cycling, and running - has made Shoemaker one of the most well-rounded athletes in the sport.
"It's a great honor for me to be on the cover of the Wheaties box and to join the remarkable list of great athletes who have appeared on the package," Shoemaker said. "Every athlete dreams about one day seeing themselves on the cover of the 'Breakfast of Champions' package."
"He is truly one of the brightest stars in the triathlon today, and the sky is the limit for how good he can become," said Dan Stangler, Wheaties marketing. "His addition to the Wheaties family continues our rich tradition of honoring great athletes."
The new 15.6-ounce Wheaties package is now available regionally in Iowa and Boston. This marks the first time Shoemaker has appeared on a Wheaties box, and the second time a triathlete has appeared. Hunter Kemper was featured on the box in 2007.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Fluid School For You
Team Fluid Wants To Know Your Stories!
FLUID has been coming across many wonderful and inspiring stories over the past few years, and we want to hear more!
We are going to post these on our site (www.livefluid.com) and share your stories with the world baby!
At Fluid we started in a garage on $900, and have grown with blood, sweat, and tears! We are motivated each day by your stories, and your passion!
One of our new athletes, Yuri Green, has a very inspirational story, and we are proud to share it! Check out www.yurigreen.com to learn all about our wonderful friend!
Let's hear some good stories baby!
Dave Brown, Founder
Team Fluid
Fluid Athlete Zak Noles
Richmond, VA
Rumor has it that Zak was leading the entire race until an unfortunate bicycle collision introduced Zak to the pavement in a hurry. He quickly got up, and hammered after the pack chasing them and picking them off all the way through the run to secure the win!
Great job Zak, we're proud of you!!
Bryan McDonnell, A Fluid Athlete
Bryan McDonnell, a newly named Team Fluid Athlete won his age group at St. Anthony's Triathlon this past weekend in a smokin fast time of 2:05:09! This is a PR for Bryan, and he won his age group by over 2 minutes! In fact, he would have been in the top 20 in the elite division! Looks like Bryan will need to step it up in the ranks next year and go for the Elite Title!
Bryan is from Parlin, New Jersey where there is a long line of successful triathletes born and bread (we are not positive on that fact :) He has been training with Fluid and says, " I love it during my long rides, and after my hard workouts."
Bryan is living strong, living healthy, and living FLUID!
Nutrition Tip of The Week from Fluid
Fat is no Demon (unless you enjoy Bacon Pizza dipped in Ranch with a side of Fries and ice-cream)
Ok, so it’s no secret that we still preach “low-fat” diets as part of a healthy eating plan. I can’t completely argue with that, however I can tell you that Fats do have an important place in our diet stemming from the evolution of our species. A long, long time ago…. us humans used to have a ratio of Omega -III fatty acids, to Omega-6 Fatty acids in our diet of 1:1. The American diet is like 1:5. Science has linked this ratio to inflammatory diseases in our country.. most notably heart disease. So, here are Dave’s top 5 ways to bring that ratio closer, and decrease your risk of heart disease.
1. Avoid Vegetable oil… especially when its used for deep frying. Use the mono-unsaturated choices such as olive oil and canola oil, and just don’t eat fried food… no really… don’t.
2. Eat Fish… Fresh Salmon and Tuna are great sources. Obviously there is a concern for Mercury Levels in our fish these days, so taking a Omega III supplement is a fine choice. A good supplement choice is an Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) supplement.
3. Eat nuts and seeds. A diet rich in Almonds, sunflower seeds, and flaxseed is a sure way to narrow that ratio. Avocado is an excellent source of fat as well.
4. Choose lean cut meats, and use cheese in moderation. (Both of these are good foods, but try eating a 6 oz steak, and 2 slices of Pizza instead of…. well…. a whole large pizza, or a 20 oz porterhouse smothered in bacon and blue cheese. You get my point I’m sure.)
5. Limit butter fat, and margarine. Try to use yogurt and olive oil based sauces and spreads.
I know this is a broad topic, but this is specific to improving that ratio. As for other health concerns and fat… go ahead and direct your questions to Dave, or open a discussion on this blog. We would love to hear your thoughts.
Fluid Athlete of The Week!
Chris is this weeks athlete of the week! We are honored that Chris works and represents us well, and let's face it.... He rides a bull! It doesn't get much better then that!
Here is a recent quote:
" I'm Amazed by how much fluid has helped with my recovery even though I take the wear an tear from the bulls and broncs. After I ride I take my fluid and the next day I'm not as mucle fatigued as I was before without it. So thanks Fluid for making a great recovery drink. "
Also, if any of you in AZ would like to see Chris compete, his next comp is
8 second Chute Out
June 7, 2008
1:00 PM
Triple J Arena 17980 W. Banning Casa Grande AZ